Sunday, November 25, 2012

Art Foundation Final Project

In the next couple of weeks, I'll be working on my final projects for my basic art foundation class. In my project, it will consist of a series of 5 18"x24" drawings that expand on ideas that my class have dealt with in this particular term. This is my chance to play with my drawing/painting skills. This will look like a mini show of my best works at the end of semester.

This final project will be completed by Thursday, December 6th, 2012. I'll be posting my work in progress in my TumblrInstagramTwitterFacebook, and in my website if anyone wants to follow up my progress. 

When it's completed, I'll be also be uploaded my DeviantArt page.


Anyways, I've been working on it for a couple of days to plan and find a technique that can be something new and rather fun to work with. I won't be doing the 5 18"x24" drawings as expected from my teacher. Instead, I'm going to be doing approximately 10-12 11"x14" drawings, featuring portraits of my sister and I. I'm also going to be using watercolors as inspiration on one of my favorite artist in deviantart =agnes-cecile.

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