Sunday, January 8, 2012

Welcome to the new blog!

Hello my dears!

I'm here once again trying to do a  new, and improve (I hope) blog! 

I noticed that my previous one wasn't working, and found no motivation on keeping it live on the web, so I deleted it. It took me a year to convince myself to get into blogging again, especially with new incoming projects and ideas coming in real soon. So here I am, thrilled about starting over again! This time, however, it'll be like my personal journal based on my encounters in projects, exhibitions, work in progress works, and finished products. I'm officially saying that this will be my sketch-blog for now on, determining my inner thoughts in many encounters I'll be encountering this coming new year! I will be customizing this blog one way or another, experimenting with some graphic design and illustration to bring in the enjoyment for you all!

Also, don't forget to follow me on:

DeviantArt--where all my works are posted
Facebook--where all of the sharing and answer questions will be taking place
Twitter--where stuff I say about feelings on stuff.
Tumblr--where all my fan-based obsessions and crazy stuff are located.
My Website/Portfolio--basically my portfolio

I do hope this works!

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