Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Day 9:Walking in the Dark

Okay, okay, today I did take my camera with me, BUT I didn't use it. Instead I used my camera phone and an idea I had when I was just about to finish my work shift. I was going to have a 15 minute walking adventure to my car. You see, the building in the university walking up the street is the school bus stop, which I usually board and takes me to the parking lots where my car is at. But during the inter-session, apparently, there's no buses. Soooooo, I have no choice, but to walk all the way to the parking lot, in the dark!
So here starts my quest on walking in the dark! LET'S DO IT!

Here I'm passing the tallest building of the university, which is the education building.

 Up ahead is where my real challenge begins, the Cardiac Hill.

But before I start, I took another photo of a lonely bench in the dark.

Ok, now seriously I start walking up the hill, the good thing that there's light going up the hill.... 

 ...but going down the hill is dark. And embarrassing that I almost tripped!

Down the hill, Have to walk about two blocks more to reach the bus terminal of the city bus.

And go up the stairs...

...and more walking...

...'till I reached my destination!

And I accomplished my adventure! :D

I mean, I'm not complaining that I have to walk all the way to my car. The problem is that its dark and I almost tripped today.-_- But it is a good way to exercise and live a healthy lifestyle *wink wink* Anyways, I've been doing this for a while, so its not that bad. But tomorrow for sure I'll be taking some professional pics for sure!

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